General Information #

  • The format of each endpoint path is as follows: <base url>/api/<endpoint> (e.g., https://localhost:8080/api/auth).
  • Depending on the method and response code, all endpoints return either an empty body, a JSON object or a JSON array.
  • All specified request parameters, unless otherwise stated, are mandatory.
  • The API returns symbols in BASE_QUOTE or ASSET format. However, when sending a request, the API expects them to be in BASE_QUOTE, BASE/QUOTE, or ASSET format.
  • All resource creation endpoints return a response with a Location header that contains the absolute path to the created resource.
  • To retain precision, strings are used to store floating-point numbers. These strings have a decimal label alongside them.
  • Strings representing time durations have a duration label alongside them. They consist of sequences of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “300ms”, “1.5h” or “2h45m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.
  • UTC time zone is used for all timestamps.

Errors #

In case of an error, the API responds with an appropriate error code (4XX or 5XX) and a message describing the cause:

	"message": "invalid name"

Authentication #

There are two ways to authenticate:

  • Send a request to the login endpoint, save the cookie and use it when building all future requests.
  • Use Basic Auth by adding user credentials to the URL (e.g., https://username:password@localhost:8080/...) or the Authorization header.

Authorization #

Most endpoints require the user to have a certain set of permissions for request to succeed. Permissions can be assigned during the user creation or update process.

The full list of available permissions is as follows:

  • instance-key-read
  • instance-key-write
  • logs-read
  • users-read
  • users-write
  • engine-configs-read
  • engine-configs-write
  • engine-state-read
  • engine-state-write
  • engine-cycles-read
  • exchange-orders-read
  • exchange-orders-write
  • exchange-live-data-read
  • exchange-configs-read
  • exchange-configs-write
  • exchange-identities-read
Specific permissions are shown alongside each endpoint.

Version Information Retrieval #

GET /version

Retrieves the engine’s version information.

Authentication required: no

Permissions: none

Query parameters: none

Request body: none

Response body:

	"version": "1.0.0"
  • version - string
    The version of the engine’s executable.