Key Concepts and Terms

Key Concepts and Terms #

Exchange Configuration #

An exchange configuration contains information about the exchange and the credentials that are used to communicate with it. Note that different exchanges have different types of credentials and other configuration properties.

Exchange Identity #

Whenever you create a new exchange configuration, you are asked to assign an identity to it or to generate a new one. An identity like that allows the engine to group all the exchange-related data in its database. The main advantage of that is this: if you delete an exchange configuration or want to create a new one that targets the same exchange as before but with different authentication credentials, you want the engine to know that all the saved marked data and orders from the past can be attached to the new exchange configuration as well.

To make exchange identities more memorable, the engine generates a simple, superhero-like codename for each of them.

Active Exchange Configuration #

An active exchange configuration is a type of exchange configuration that has been validated and successfully used to establish a connection with the target exchange’s API servers. Its row has a special marker in the Exchange Configurations page and its name is displayed in the engine control widget on the right side of the navigation bar.

Engine Configuration #

An engine configuration contains a set of instructions on how the engine should process and analyse data of certain markets and what actions it should take based on that.

Strategy #

A strategy establishes market analysis execution steps, success conditions, and the actions that should be taken once those conditions are matched.

Strategy Tool #

A strategy tool is an entity that analyses or otherwise processes the market data. Each tool is unique and produces a different set of results.

Strategy Outcome #

A strategy outcome is an action the engine executes once the tools of the strategy give the permission to do so. Each outcome is unique and produces a different set of results.

Scout #

Exchange market data is not the only type of data that can be analysed by the engine – textual data, posts, etc. can be processed as well. A scout is a component that does just that: it retrieves this kind of data and submits it to be analysed by a strategy. It also allows the engine to interact with that service, which gives you an opportunity to execute more elaborate actions than just placing an order.

Although at the moment only the Telegram scout is available, we have plans to introduce more of them in the near future.

Active Engine Configuration #

An active engine configuration is a type of engine configuration that has been validated and successfully prepared to be used by the engine. Its row has a special marker in the Engine Configurations page and its name is displayed in the engine control widget on the right side of the navigation bar. Each scout contains information about the service it will connect to and the credentials that are used to communicate with it.

Engine Cycle #

The engine executes the active configuration’s strategies repeatedly, that is, it runs them, then cools down for a bit, and then runs them again, repeating that process until you stop it. Each run is called a cycle. It contains the configuration that has been used during its execution (to maintain full transparency and help you understand what the engine does) along with the results it achieved.

You can also think of a cycle as an execution snapshot taken at a particular point in time: it contains the instructions the engine was following as well as the market data that was being analysed. In other words, it is a report of an engine execution event from the past.