Initial Setup

Initial Setup #

Downloading the Executable #

Before you begin setting up your Flapjack engine, you need to download its executable to your computer. To achieve that, go to the downloads section and select your operating system:

Step 1
If the browser warns you that the executable you are downloading from the official website is suspicious, click Download anyway (different browsers might call this button differently) and proceed with the download. More information on this can be found here.

Launching the Application #

When the Flapjack executable is fully downloaded, run it and it will open a web dashboard in your default browser.

If you are using Windows as your operating system and it warns you that the executable, which has been downloaded from the official website, is suspicious, click Run anyway (you might need to allow Windows Defender to run the executable as well). More information on this can be found here.

To proceed, you will be required to log in. Note that the login credentials here are different from the ones you use at and you will be able to configure them or add more users with access to your engine later. However, for now, your can log in with the default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: AdminPass1!
Step 2

As noted before, the login credentials here are different from the ones you use at The main reasons for that are:

  • You may want to manage the users and overall access to the computer/server on which your Flapjack application is running yourself.
  • You may have more than one user that should have access to your Flapjack application. For example, you may want to be responsible for your exchange configurations while your friend would be the one creating and editing the engine configurations as well as their strategies.
  • You may want to have custom integrations with Flapjack’s API. Creating a machine user with a limited set of permissions may be useful in this scenario.

Entering an Activation Key #

Once you are successfully logged in, you will be redirected to the internal pages of the application. You will also be asked to enter your engine activation key, if you haven’t done so already:

Step 3

To obtain your activation key, navigate to and choose the engine record that you would like to associate with your locally running Flapjack application (if you don’t have any engine records, click Create). Then, find its activation key and copy it:

Step 4

Now, reopen/go back to the tab with Flapjack’s web dashboard, paste your activation key in the dedicated box as shown below, and then click Save:

Step 5

Updating the Admin User’s Password #

You may create other users and use them to log in next time or you may use the same admin user for that. Either way, it is a good idea to change the default password of the admin user. To do that, navigate to the Users tab and click Current user:

Step 6

Then, enter the new password as well as the old one (which is AdminPass1!) and click Save:

Step 7
You can leave the name of the user as is. Only the password should be changed to make your engine application more secure.

Re-opening the Web Dashboard #

When you close the application, the Flapjack application will remain active in the background (e.g., if the engine is turned on, it might continue executing your strategies). To re-open the web dashboard, look for the Flapjack icon on your taskbar, click on it and select the Open web dashboard option:

Windows Taskbar